Startup Chile: Week 2​

Time is flying by fast.

We managed to get ourselves set up on Microsoft Bizspark, and set up Twitter, Facebook, and a Tumblr blog. Now my job is to get content into each of these social streams. It's never too early to start marketing, right?

We also got started on a fun project of creating a logo for My Elephant Brain. I decided to use 99 Designs since a former colleague of mine had been pleased with results from it. We chose the silver package for $499 which promised 60 designs and better quality designers. After launching the contest we noticed that we probably could have gotten away with the bronze package for $299. This promised only 15 designs but the contests we saw had many more submissions than that.

The design contest is seven days long. You start by filling out a simple design brief to describe your product and share your tastes and preferences for the design. For four days, designers then submit logos based on the design brief. Within 24 hours we had more than 30 designs. We rated a few and left feedback, learning what we liked and didn't like. At the end of this 4-day period we chose our favourite 5 designers and left them more feedback to tweak the designs. It's almost over now. Check 'em out below and see the rest here! 

The last step is to create a poll so you will all get the chance to vote for your favourite one!

Of course, Pete and I have veto power. :)

Last week was also a 2-day holiday on the Thursday and Friday so I ended up taking some time with friends who are visiting. We went rock climbing outside which was fun but I'm in poor shape after a couple of weeks off.

I also finally (after staying in three different places) moved into my final pad. There are a few things that need fixing (namely a broken toilet seat) but it'll do for six months. Here is the view from the rooftop. My walk to work is towards the tall building.

It's a bit smoggy today.

Weekly Summary

High of the week: Wine tour at Emiliana.

Low of the week: Last week's low was Emil getting pickpocketed. This week Christina had her purse stolen. They took it all in stride though, what a classy couple! :)

Lesson learned: Carry little cash, leave one debit card and one credit card at home.

Interesting thing: South Korean boy band CN Blue was at our hotel in Vina del Mar. So were many fans. It made breakfast interesting.  

Hear the screaming?